Buckwheat with Bolognese sauce
5 (2 rate)
1 hours
Cooking timeAbout recipe
Today we will prepare an appetizing and very tasty dish, ideal for lunch for the whole family buckwheat with Bolognese sauce. Buckwheat can be served without fresh vegetables, herbs and homemade pickles. I have no doubt that you will like this buckwheat porridge, with this sauce it will shine with new colors.
Purpose: Breakfast recipes
Recipes by ingredients:
# Meat /
# Vegetables -
Required ingredients::
Buckwheat150 grams
Water350 milliliters
Minced meat500 grams (beef)
Onions100 grams
Sweet pepper80 grams
Tomatoes in their own juice400 milliliters
Garlic2 cloves
Oil3 tablespoons
Saltto taste
Pepperto taste
How to make
1. Prepare the ingredients.
2. Put buckwheat in a saucepan, add water and salt. Boil the porridge until cooked - 20-25 minutes.
3. Peel the onion and cut it into cubes. Also cut the pepper into small cubes.
4. Heat the oil in a pan, add onion and bell peppers, fry for 3-4 minutes.
5. Put the minced meat in the pan.
6. Fry the mince with onions for 10-15 minutes
7. Add tomatoes, salt, pepper chopped in your own juice to the pan, you can add a pinch of sugar.
8. Simmer the sauce for 20 minutes over low heat, add chopped garlic at the end of cooking.